CAD Model
This CAD model depicts a square-shaped seedling pot designed for use in agriculture and horticulture. The pot is made up of two identical parts that fit together, creating an optimal environment for the seedling's roots to grow. The square shape of the pot ensures that the roots have plenty of space to grow and expand. The bottom of the pot can be opened up for easy and stress-free transplanting of the seedling. With this innovative design, transplanting seedlings has never been easier!
The Clamshell plant pot is designed to make the process of transplanting seedlings easy and stress-free. To get started, fill the pot with potting soil and sow your seed. Then, place the Clamshell in the holding tray with the other pots. As the seedling grows to its desired size, continue to water it and care for it until it's ready for transplanting.
When the time comes, remove the Clamshell from the tray and take it to the location where you want to transplant the seedling, whether it's a bigger pot or a field. To transplant the seedling, simply push the Clamshell into the ground. Then, fold the hinges to open the Clamshell, leaving the seedling and its soil in the ground while the Clamshell can be safely and easily removed.
After use, the Clamshell can be cleaned and reused, making it a sustainable option for gardening and agriculture. The square shape of the pot provides a better environment for the roots to grow in, and the Clamshell design makes it easy to remove the seedling without damaging it. Overall, the Clamshell plant pot simplifies the process of transplanting seedlings and makes it accessible to anyone, regardless of gardening experience.
Our Clamshell plant pot packaging design is inspired by nature and the earth. The green and brown colour scheme reflects the environmentally friendly nature of our product, while the minimalist design ensures that our logo and product information stand out. With a prominent logo and website link, customers can easily recognize and learn more about our product. Also being made out of paper, we believe that our packaging design is a great representation of our commitment to creating sustainable and stylish products.

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